Choose from our stunning selection of our beautiful canary diamond earrings.
For more details and ordering information, please click on the diamond images below.
Snowflake 8-prong Stud 14K White Gold Earrings with Fancy Orange-Yellow Diamonds
14K White
Brilliant cut diamond
start with ½ carat
$ 9052
Ultra Safe Six Prong 14K Yellow Gold Stud Earrings with Orange-Yellow Diamonds
14K Yellow
Brilliant cut diamond
start with 0.1+ carat
$ 3386
Halo Martini Style Stud 18K White Gold Earrings with Fancy Orange-Yellow Diamonds
18K White
Brilliant cut diamond
start with 0.1+ carat
$ 3540
Round Cluster 18K White Gold Earrings with Fancy Orange-Yellow Diamonds
18K White
Brilliant cut diamond
start with 0.1+ carat
$ 3794
Classic Round Bezel Set Platinum Stud Earrings with Orange-Yellow Diamonds
Brilliant cut diamond
start with 0.1+ carat
$ 3742
Click here to see complete collection.
Colored diamonds used to be the privilege of rich people long enough. Now they are becoming affordable for an average person. Canary diamond earrings are traditionally associated not only with wealth, but also with elegance and good taste. These shiny gems of unusually fresh and pure color will match blonds and brunettes, pale and dark-complexioned women. Wearing the modest canary diamond stud earrings every lady will look like a fashion icon. Men also have a chance to show their good taste, for there is a considerable choice of canary diamond earrings for men. Canary diamond studs are universal jewelries good for women, men and children. Adorned with one or several luxurious canary diamonds earrings look like a model of craftsmanship. Become a wearer of canary diamond earrings of a royal beauty.