Choose from our stunning selection of our beautiful vivid and intense blue colored lab created diamonds.
For more details and ordering information, please click on the diamond images below.
0.56 carat
Fancy Blue
Marquise cut (SI2)
$ 3145
0.63 carat
Fancy Vivid Blue
Radiant cut (I1)
$ 2764
0.73 carat
Fancy Blue
Round cut (SI2)
$ 3285
0.61 carat
Fancy Blue
Round cut (VVS)
$ 3599
1.59 carat
Fancy Deep Blue
Radiant cut (SI3)
$ 13008 $ 10063
For more blue diamonds click here to see complete collection.
There are always debates on what diamonds are the rarest: pink or blue ones. If the price is taken as one of the criteria, then it definitely speaks for blue diamonds which are on top of the list of world's most expensive diamonds. If to take the natural aspect then these are atoms of boron in diamond crystal structure that color diamond blue. Blue diamond is a nice gem for any jewelry item be it a ring, pendant or even a crown. Blue diamonds can be of versatile shades from light blue to deep fancy. Here you can find loose blue diamonds to your liking. From a wide variety of blue diamonds for sale we hope you will pick up the one to meet your needs and implement your dreams. Our main objective is to provide you withs an ample choice of loose blue diamonds to satisfy your demands and wallet.