Emerald Cut Diamonds

Sunday, July 08th, 2012 | Posted in Fancy Diamonds

In the previous post we took this gem to illustrate it can be a nice present for many occasions. This inspired us to find more about emerald cut diamonds. So if you’re still hesitating what shape suits you, this bit of information may come useful.

It’s not hard to guess where emerald cut take its name from. This shape was initially worked out for emeralds. The peculiar feature of it is that there are long lines which you won’t see in any other diamond cut shape. From one standpoint, emerald cut diamonds claim to be less brilliant than, for example, round or radiant cut gems, but from another it depends of the diamond color and cutter’s skills. Colored diamonds of this cut seem of more deep, saturated shades.

What is more, emerald cut diamonds are usually of higher quality as this cut allows to see more flaws that any other, so pay attention to diamonds of VS clarity and higher.

One of the greatest pluses of emerald cut diamonds is that they won’t cost you much. The thing is, they are not that popular and trendy as other cuts but still may look dazzling when set in appropriate setting. With that said, if you are on a limited budget and you don’t want diamond jewelry break the bank, you can opt for emerald cut that will save you some money yet make your dream come true.

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